Our Story

With a first-class degree in British and American history and literature at the Sorbonne in Paris and a career in the luxury goods sector, Sila discovered an interest and passion for wine that led to her undertaking the Wine & Spirit Education Trust professional training and certification. She then began a new career in the retail & hospitality industry where she crossed paths with Julian.

Julian studied international business studies and wine business in France before moving to London to become a wine buyer and importer, supplying prestigious restaurants and independent retailers with a range of high-quality wines across the UK.

Driven by their shared passion for artisan wine, Sila and Julian decided to combine their knowledge and expertise by establishing Blenheim Vintners to showcase a curated selection from rare fine wines to globally-renowned independent producers.

We opened our doors in Spring 2021 and our aim is to offer a curated selection of artisan wines, beers and spirits to the local community and to tell the stories behind the label in a relaxed and tasteful environment.

We are incredibly privileged to be located in the heart of the picturesque St John's Wood neighbourhood, surrounded by elegant historic buildings and iconic venues. We are also extremely grateful for the support and loyalty our customers have shown us right from the beginning.

If you haven't visited us yet, do pop in and let us take you through our selection from across the globe.

Sila and Julian

Our Philosophy